Thursday, November 1, 2007

More Halloween pics....

What a WILD day! BOTH girls were crazy....maybe from the sugar....maybe from the excitement of the day...who knows! Beth is a veteran trick-or-treater at this point, so she was off and running. Sarah took right to it - maybe it was "monkey-see, monkey-do", but she was totally into it! Here are a few pics of my Belle princess and my baby bumblebee! A very memorable night, that is for sure!

The "Before Trick-or-Treating" pictures, where NEITHER girl wanted to sit still for a picture, when there was candy to be had!

And they are OFF AND RUNNIG....
"Wait for me, sissy!!"
Sarah watched, as in a candy trance, while a neighbor put candy in her bag. She was just so impressed with herself! All the girls....
And last, but not least, our traditional Halloween dinner- Homemade Jack-o-Lantern Pizza:


Leia H said...

Cool pizza idea! I'll have to remember that for my daycare kids!

LOVE the running bee behind photo! ;) Beth - you look stunning as Belle! And Sarah - you are beeeeeautiful!